Something You Must Learn When Choosing Vaping Devices



Electronic cigarettes, like mobile phones and cameras, are electronic products. When people buy mobile phones and cameras, they always pay attention to some information about the devices, such as screen size, resolution, etc. Although electronic cigarette devices have been around for several years, However, it is still a “new thing” for ordinary people, lacking the understanding of “nouns” and “parameters” related to e-cigarettes. The first time we buy it, we often make consumers feel overwhelmed. When I first came into contact with e-cigarettes, I really struggled for a long time. The appearance of all kinds of e-cigarettes was different, round and square. The performance has 30 w, has 150 w, the price also has several hundred and even several thousand on the price. How to choose after all? Today I talk to you about electronic cigarette shopping related “noun.”

E-cigarettes are usually “nebulizer” and “mainframe”. The atomizer is responsible for heating the oil to atomize the atomizer, and the host is responsible for supplying the atomizer. Just as the SLR camera is divided into “lens” and “mainframe”, a separate atomizer or

The mainframe can’t work, need a complete set to be used normally. There have been many friends who have made this mistake, see a certain electronic cigarette equipment trading volume is relatively high, so also placed an order. After receiving the goods found that it can not work, Do not smoke. After asking to know that they only buy atomizer, but also need to match the mainframe and battery to use.

The e-cigarette “suit” usually refers to a complete set of electronic cigarette equipment when the manufacturer leaves the factory, which includes atomizer and mainframe. Such a suit is more convenient for the novice. It is suitable for those who want to use e-cigarettes instead of cigarettes and quit smoking.

There is also a suite where merchants combine a variety of e-cigarettes and sell some of the usual nebulizers, mainframe and battery together for sale. This self-assembled suit is usually a high-volume combination of individual products. Also more suitable for new users.

Although the suit is convenient, it also has some disadvantages, for example, some “EGO” suits are backward in technology, poor in quality, and unable to get a good user experience. Some of the suits have good mainframe functions, but the atomizer is somewhat unsatisfactory.

“EGO” e-cigarettes are also one of the “suits”. They are typically constructed with nebulizers. The advantages of the battery rod. EGO are portable, easy to use, easy to use, and many disadvantages. The early EGO nebulizer structure led to poor reducibility of smoke oil and poor experience with battery rods, which typically had a few hundred, 1,000 milliamps of electricity. It is not suitable for people who use it more frequently. And because of its low cost, it is often packaged by some businesses as so-called “smoke” and “smoking cessation artifact”, which is sold to new people who do not know about e-cigarettes for tens of times of profits.




As a result of the development of electronic cigarette technology, many manufacturers have introduced new “EGO” e-cigarettes, which have improved the use experience by modifying the structure of the atomizer and the capacity of the battery, and have greatly improved the taste of the product and the role of the “substitute cigarette”. This new type of EGO e-cigarette is very suitable for first-time e-cigarettes users and those who simply use e-cigarettes to “replace cigarettes”. It is suitable for consumers to experience e-cigarettes. If there is a greater interest in e-cigarettes in use, after upgrading to “advanced users,” these products can also be used as backup equipment to meet the need.

Because “EGO” products are a mix of fish and fish, it’s hard for ordinary people to tell the difference, so it’s recommended that you buy this kind of equipment in a physical store. After all, you can experience the actual effects. Avoid buying technologically backward products or products that don’t taste right for you, thus creating a false understanding of e-cigarettes.

As I mentioned earlier, e-cigarettes are made up of “atomizers” and “mainframes”, which store and heat smoke oil to produce aerosols, which are the most important components of e-cigarettes. It determines the final effect of the user’s experience. Many people have the question, are there many types of atomizers and brands, what’s the difference? I first contact with electronic cigarettes, like everyone, also can not distinguish where the specific difference, let alone choose a suitable for their own nebulizer.

Nebulizers can actually be classified according to many criteria, such as mouthfeel, smog, or “finished” and “RBA” nebulizers according to their usage.

Although the structure of the atomizer is mostly similar, every slight change has an effect on the taste. That is, the same bottle of cigarette oil. Using different atomizers will lead to different feelings of use. This is why many players have several, a dozen or even dozens of atomizers in their hands.


The most critical part of the atomizer is the “atomizing core”, which heats and evaporates the smoke oil. The amount of smoke and taste is mostly determined by the atomizing core. Depending on the atomization core used, The nebulizer can be divided into “finished” nebulizer and “RBA” atomizer. The “finished” nebulizer uses a finished product atomizing core that is manufactured in a factory, and the user only needs to buy and replace it regularly. The “RBA” nebulizer requires the user to use a heating wire. Cotton and other materials made of their own atomization core.

The product atomizer is convenient to use and can be replaced regularly. The disadvantage is that the atomizing core is made by the factory, so every atomization core of the same size has the same taste and smoke content. In order to get different mouthfeel you need to replace the model of atomizing core or other atomizer. And buying the finished atomizing core makes it more expensive to use.

The biggest feature of the RBA atomizer is that the user can adjust the data of the heating coil themselves, thus changing the taste and the amount of smoke, in the case of conventional materials, The drawback is that it takes some practice to make a standard atomizing core. Although it is not very difficult to make it, it is not hard to make it. A certain amount of experience is needed to avoid oil spills.

The finished nebulizer is suitable for novice, no time to go deep into e-cigarettes and those who simply want to “replace cigarettes”. It is more convenient to use .RBA atomizer for those who have time, who have the energy to study e-cigarettes and those who want to be “gamers”. It brings much more experience and fun than a finished nebulizer.



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