Types of E-cigarettes

The booming of vaping industry is overwhelming. There are a lot of E-cigarettes brands in only a few years. We pick up the best e-cigarette which is suitable for with clear knowledge of vaping. The following is the classification of vaping:


According to the current category of e-cigarettes:

First, if classified by charging mode.

  1. non-rechargeable e-cigarettes: disposable cigarettes.

2. two-stage straight charge rechargeable electronic smoke: the battery is designed as a nebulizer containing nicotine solution with a component, and the evaporator is directly charged with a complete assembly. (most of the design models in the market are like this)

3. Portable rechargeable electronic smoke: the battery is designed as a component of a pipe containing nicotine solution, evaporation device, mobile charging device (similar to mobile phone portable battery device)

4. wireless charging e-cigarette: at present, wireless charging technology is not perfect, most of the strong e-cigarette R & D team has this project, this is one of the future trends of e-cigarette development.

Second, if classified by the formation of e-cigarettes:

1. Simulated smoke: the size and appearance of the smoke are the same as that of the real smoke. When smoking, the electronic cigarette lamp has the same effect as the ash head at the end of the light.

2. Non-simulated smoke: all kinds of shapes, catering to a wide range of people.


Third, throughout the development history of e-cigarettes, a total of several categories of products have emerged, here detailed description:

1. Cigar e-cigarette: it should be said that the originator of e-cigarettes, such as smoke, was the first to invent this cigar.

2. Pipe e-cigarettes: electronic cigarettes shaped like pipes;

3. Flat mouth electronic cigarette: the cigarette tip is plastic flat mouth;

4. Mini e-cigarettes: shape more like the size of cigarettes;

5. women’s e-cigarettes: very thin in diameter, very similar to women’s cigarettes;

6. Cartomizer electronic smoke (high-quality electronic smoke: the atomizer and the smoke bomb are integrated together, it is not easy to leak liquid, the amount of smoke is larger;

7. Soft cigarette tip electronic cigarette: cigarette tip very similar to cigarette tip;

8. Disposable electronic cigarette: electronic cigarette pole cannot be charged;

9. Disposable cigar electronic cigarette: shaped like a cigar, but the stem cannot be charged;

10. EGO electronic smoke: larger shape;

11.VGo e-cigarette: cartomizer was used in the large shape of EGO;

12. Mechanical electronic smoke: compared with other types of electronic smoke, mechanical electronic smoke does not have a circuit board. It relies entirely on mechanical principles to transport electric current to the end of the atomizer. Its battery capacity is generally larger and can be replaced at the same time.

13. High power electronic cigarette: can adjust the number of electronic cigarette watt, bring the pleasure of large amount of smoke. It is the most popular electronic cigarette on the market at present.

With the implementation of global tobacco control measures and people’s pursuit of the concept of healthy living, e-cigarette brands have begun to appear in the market at home and abroad. The e-cigarette has become a popular trend in China.

15 Things You Should Know Bout E-cig

A questionnaire survey conducted by an e-cigarette online forum shows that there are nearly nine in ten smokers who use e-cigarettes have given up smoking successfully and thrown away traditional cigarettes. While this high percentage of cigarettes is bound to be controversial, it also highlights the fact that e-cigarettes can certainly help people quit smoking.

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Take a look at the next e-cigarette beginners must know 15 points of knowledge.

1 . How should I start ? Before entering the big family of electronic cigarettes , we recommend you to learn more about the e – cigarettes and the surrounding areas , and carefully read each line of this post . We have met too many new players complaining about buying the wrong , buying expensive , being cheated , and knowing that it is not going to buy it , and so on , because there is no good learning about the knowledge before the entry into the pit .

2 . How does the new person choose the equipment ? If you ‘ ve decided to go into the pit , we recommend that you start with the pressure – regulating electronic cigarette . The safety of this rod is the highest , and there is a short – circuit protection . The mechanical lever has no short – circuit protection and pressure – regulating function with respect to the new player . And with the different merchants , they won ‘ t recommend that you do not use a mechanical rod . Everything should be safe first .

3 . How can the electronic cigarette be distinguished ? Many new players will put forward such a problem , A is not good , B is not good , A and B exactly what is good ? Electronic cigarette brand is very large , there are many different models , everyone is suitable for different models , everyone is suitable for all different models , each person is suitable for you to decide the final choice . Even if it is not suitable for you , but also be a very good equipment , and the big manufacturer popular equipment , you can also get out to other players .

4 . Are electronic cigarettes different from smoking ? Electronic cigarettes , in addition to traditional smoking methods , have a direct lung absorption method . Traditional cigarettes are too exciting to smoke in this way . But even without other methods , the traditional smoking method is a good choice .

5 . What is MOD ? The full name of the MOD is Modification , which comes from the enhancement of computer games . In this area , you can understand that there are many combinations of electronic cigarettes in accessories , stainless steel bins , acrylic silos , ceramic bases , etc . Any behavior that can change the appearance or function of the atomizer is called MOD . This is a simple , similar to a car modification . This is also part of the charm of
electronic cigarette development as far as today .

6 . How many kinds of electronic cigarettes belong to ? Electronic cigarette has gone through three main phases from its birth to development . The first stage is the earliest battery pole type electronic cigarette . The first stage is the earliest battery pole type electronic cigarette . The first stage is the earliest battery pole type electronic cigarette . It is the important change in the history of the electronic cigarette . The second stage is the ego stage . It is also the important change in the history of the electronic cigarette . In this period , the electronic cigarette is undergoing the third stage , the finished atomizer ( ego ) , the oil storage type atomizer and the oil dripping atomizer .

7 . What ‘ s the smoke bomb ? Smoke bombs are equivalent to disposable contact lenses , which are an integral electronic cigarette of smoke and atomizer . Once the oil tank is exhausted , it needs to be replaced . At present , it ‘ s not much , and is exiting the history stage .

8 . Does the electronic cigarette produce second – hand smoke ? Is the smoke of the electronic cigarette the same as that of the cigarette ? The smoke of the electronic cigarette is completely different from the smoke of the cigarette . A liquid is solid . The smoke of the electronic cigarette is more similar to the state of the water vapor , although the second – hand smoke of the electronic cigarette has never caused trouble to others . But we also believe that it is not polite to cause trouble to others at any time . People and people should respect each other .

9 . Does the electronic cigarette smell a bad smell ? Once a player has reflected the smell of smoke , it ‘ s because of incomplete atomization of the smoke or improper installation of other equipment . Electronic cigarettes don ‘ t have that unpleasant taste even after a day . But please choose a hard – quality cigarette , which is cheap , but health can ‘ t buy it .

10. Is it cheap or cheaper than traditional cigarettes ? From a consumption point of view , the electronic cigarette device is more like a small – scale investment that continues after one – time investment . If you ‘ re a burning friend , add other equipment on – the – stop ; or if you only smoke , the electronic cigarette is not much cheaper than traditional cigarettes , but it is more environmentally friendly than traditional cigarettes .

11 . How do electronic cigarettes work ? The current in the battery instantaneously shorts the electric heating wire . The high temperature generated during the short circuit of the electric heating wire will vaporize the smoke , become smoke , and be sucked into the mouth.

12 . Where can I use e – cigarettes ? Can I use e – cigarettes in public places ? There is no law explicitly stipulating that public places do not allow electronic cigarettes to be used . But social public opinion is not clear about electronic cigarette guidance . In order not to add psychological burden to the surrounding people , try not to use electronic cigarettes in public places . If you really want to show the mental needs of smoke , please go to the party of e – mail friends . No one will take you as a monster there , because there is a big monster there , shaking .

13 . Do e – cigarettes really help to quit smoking ? The smoking cessation is mainly dependent on the individual ‘ s will . If you ‘ re strong enough , you can ‘ t smoke completely . The e – smoking product is more like a smoking cessation , and a player slowly leaves the cigarette . But for this problem , we have to answer carefully . But for this problem , we have to answer carefully . We don ‘ t think that if you really quit smoking , it ‘ s the power of e – cigarettes . It ‘ s just the result of your own efforts .

14 . Does the electronic cigarette contain nicotine ? Many of the oils contain nicotine . If you just start to use a tobacco product that does not contain nicotine completely , the withdrawal reaction may be very strong . But there are many players who choose to have nicotine content . There are also a lot of players who choose to have nicotine – free products and enjoy a lot of fun . In the early days of quitting smoking , you should choose a relatively high nicotine content , such as 18MG , and then slowly transition to 12MG , 6MG , 0MG . If you finally throw out the cigarette , we ‘ re really happy for you .

15 . Do you feel like smoking a cigarette ? E – cigarettes feel completely different from smoking , and e – cigarettes don ‘ t have a strong sense of irritation and have their own style . It may be even softer . If you ‘ re a smoker , or a player who likes to smoke poor tobacco , the feeling of e – cigarettes may be a disappointment , as the cigarette – oil mouthfeel of the electronic cigarette is different from traditional tobacco .

The Beginner’s Guide to E-cigarettes

Hi everyone, welcome to Vapingbison’s home. First of all, I want to introduce you some basic information about e-cig. Let’s go to the vaping’s world.


What’s an e-cigarette?

E-cigarettes are slender, battery-powered devices that vaporize liquid nicotine to imitate conventional smoking. Using an e-cigarette can give a buzz similar to smoking cigarettes — except the buzz comes from the nicotine in vapor, not smoke.  All e-cigarettes come in three main parts; the battery, the cartridge and the liquid (vape juice).

The battery is the rechargeable part of the device and there are two types: an automatic and a manual, the choice would depend on your usage. The battery is charged through a USB port, making it very easy to charge ‘on the go’. Once the battery is connected to the device then a button pressed on the e-cigarette initiates the charge, which in turn heats the atomizer and turns the liquid into vapor once used.

E-cigarettes can come in all shapes and sizes, and some look very similar to regular cigarettes. Right now, there are about 500 e-cigarette brands and more than 7,000 flavors on the market, and they work in different ways, delivering varying amounts of nicotine, toxins, and carcinogens.


The liquids (vape juice, e-juice, e-liquid) come in hundreds of choices, every flavor imaginable is out there from menthol, candy floss to coffee. There is a traditional tobacco flavor to wean smokers from harmful cigarettes to an electronic one, many smokers who begin with the tobacco flavor end up not depending on that option as often and move on to the sweeter flavors. The liquid in an e cigarette is made up of distilled water, nicotine and flavoring; minus the harmful substances you find in a traditional cigarette. It’s without toxins or carbon monoxide and the vape juice contains different levels of nicotine to suit everyone’s needs.Vapor is also inhaled similarly to that of a cigarette. However, if you still enjoy smoking then you can also continue to vape.


The appeal to vaping is that it’s smoke-free and without the need to use a lighter or an ashtray. Although many places have banned vaping indoors there are many vaping cafes popping up, they offer indoor vaping spaces and sell a selection of vape juices.

E-cigarettes and the refills are less expensive than tobacco cigarettes as they don’t have (as stated before) the toxins like tar or carbon monoxide. Despite peoples’ reservations about ecigs, the facts are that tobacco cigarettes emit over 4,000 chemicals, and 43 are known to be cancer-causing. One billion people smoke in the world, that’s an enormous amount of inhaled toxic chemicals.
This alternative may save many lives, instead of smoking tell people you are now vaping!


Act Now to Stop a 60% Vape Tax!


The Washington State House of Representatives is considering a tax on vapor products that could cripple or kill most vape shops and e-liquid manufacturers in the state.

CASAA has issued a Call to Action, asking all vapers and vape business owners in Washington to contact their State Representatives immediately. The CASAA online system makes it possible to send messages directly to your representative in less than a minute.

The bill will have a hearing in the capitol on Thursday. It’s crucial that legislators hear from their vaping constituents immediately.

The new law would tax vape products at 60 percent of the wholesale cost, and — like the crushing Pennsylvania tax passed in 2016 — would include a “floor tax.” That means that vape shops would have to pay the full tax on all merchandise on the shelves at the time the tax takes effect.

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The Pennsylvania tax was 40 percent, and more than half of the state’s 200-plus vape shops closed after it passed. The Washington tax is even worse. In addition to taxing wholesale purchases from manufacturers, all online purchases by regular consumers would also be taxed at 60 percent.

For several years now, Washington vapers have fought off tax proposals. But this time the tax is being tied to popular Tobacco 21 legislation. The authors of HB 2165 admit they need money from smoke-free vapor products to make up for the revenue the state will lose from 18 to 20-year-old smokers.

Previous tax threats have contributed to well-known Washington State vape businesses leaving the state or closing. In 2015, e-liquid giant Mt. Baker Vapor moved from Washington to Arizona. And last year, mod pioneer ProVape shut its doors for good.

E-cigarettes are effective quit smoking tools

The day has finally come. Vapers and e-cigarette users can rejoice. The proof of what vaping advocates have long championed as the main benefit of e-cigarettes – that they are effective quit smoking tools – has arrived.


A new study from UC San Diego has found that the smoking cessation rate increased from 4.5 percent in 2014 to 5.6 percent in 2015. Researchers attribute the growth to smokers switching from traditional tobacco products to e-cigarettes and not going back.

Publicity campaigns encouraging smoking cessation were also said to have affected the increase of people quitting.

The study surveyed over 160,000 people to determine whether or not e-cigarettes were a factor in helping them quitting smoking. The study found that people using e-cigarettes were more likely to attempt quitting over non-users (65% to 41%).

The most tantalizing discovery of the study was the evidence showing a higher success rate for people using e-cigarettes to quit smoking over people who didn’t use them. Of all those surveyed, people using e-cigarettes had an 8.2% success rate over those who did not use e-cigarettes whose quit rate was only 4.8%.

Success was measured by people not smoking a traditional cigarette for over three months. It is important to note that the study’s conclusions were reached through observation and data analysis. With that said, people should not assume a cause-and-effect conclusion about e-cigarettes.

Implications for E-Cigs

It is still too early to tell what policy implications this new study will have on e-cigarettes. The debate on whether e-cigarettes help people quit smoking has raged ever since the appearance of the smokeless devices in the early aughts.

For years, the oft-repeated answer to whether e-cigarettes were effective quit smoking aids was “there’s not enough evidence.” With this new study that response no longer seems applicable.

There are some other implications of the study that proponents of e-cigarettes and vaping should be aware of, however. Apart from the positives, like the increased success rate for e-cigarette users, some feel like the study could have gone further to prove (or disprove) the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as quit smoking tools.

Comparing the effectiveness of e-cigarettes to other FDA-approved smoking cessation tools was viewed as a missed opportunity by some. A comparison study would have been the best way to put the debate on e-cigarettes to help quit smoking to bed.

The study did not reveal how often smokers who had quit using e-cigarettes went back to smoking cigarettes, which would have been another way to prove the usefulness of e-cigarettes.

The study also overlooked how often non-smoking teenagers started using e-cigarettes. These findings could have potentially harmed or helped the e-cigarette industry.

Going Forward

Many observers cited the inclusiveness of the study and as an indicator of its merits. While previous studies involving the use of e-cigarettes focused on a small sample size, the wide-ranging population sample of the survey proved to be its greatest strength.

Further study, of course, is still needed. Medical professionals and health advocates alike continue to wring their hands over the absence of long-term studies proving or disproving the effectiveness and safety of e-cigarettes.

Taking the long view of things, the study’s author, Dr. Shu-Hong Zhu, commented on the many things that need to happen to bring down smoking rates among Americans.

While e-cigarettes have been found to help people stay off tobacco for at least three months, they may need more study before they are recommended as smoking cessation tools like nicotine gum and prescription medication.

Hospitals should allow vaping

Hospitals should allow vaping in private rooms as part of an anti-smoking drive, health chiefs have said.

While the vapor given off by e-cigarettes may be annoying for others, there is no evidence that it is harmful, according to Public Health England, which has reviewed its guidance.


All smokers, including pregnant women, should be encouraged to use e-cigarettes to quit tobacco, it said. Hospitals should also be allowed to sell e-cigarettes in their shops and regulators should push manufacturers to license them as medical quitting aids, allowing doctors to prescribe them.

NHS hospitals have been told that they should be entirely smoke-free by the end of next year. While vaping does not fall under the smoking legislation, some hospitals do not permit it.

Martin Dockrell, from the agency, said: “There is no reason why a hospital shouldn’t designate some indoor areas where patients and visitors can vape.

“There might be people with acute asthma, but of course just flowers are a risk for people with acute asthma.”

Staff should take every opportunity to help patients to quit, he said, adding: “Some hospitals will decide where it will be appropriate to have spaces indoors where vaping is permitted.

“The strongest case for that is in psychiatric hospitals because [these patients] have got the highest prevalence of smoking. Single occupancy rooms are quite common in mental health trusts so that makes it very easy for people to vape without any annoyance to anybody else.”

He said that the same criteria might apply elsewhere, including maternity wards that have private rooms.

Joyce Robins, of Patient Concern, said that it was a bad idea to allow spaces for vaping. “Every hospital I have been in there is not an inch to spare, with people lying in corridors,” she said.

The review, conducted by experts from King’s College London, the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies and the University of Stirling, found that vaping posed only a small fraction of the risks of smoking, with 0.5 percent of the risk of cancer. It found that e-cigarette use helped at least 20,000 people to quit tobacco every year.

The experts said they were frustrated by the publication of studies linking e-cigarettes to health problems.

John Newton, director for health improvement at Public Health England, said: “It would be tragic if thousands of smokers who could quit with the help of an e-cigarette are being put off due to false fears about their safety.”

The review also considered “heated tobacco products”. Studies, while mainly industry-funded, suggested that the devices, which do not burn the tobacco, are less harmful than normal cigarettes but more so than e-cigarettes.

Where can you vape?

Cafés, pubs and restaurants
Big chains have banned vaping, but many smaller pubs and bars allow it.
Sports stadiums
Most football clubs say fans cannot vape on the terraces, but Burnley has vape-friendly zones.
Heathrow has closed its vaping areas and no other big airports allow it. Ryanair lets customers use smokeless nicotine cigarettes on flights, so long as they were bought on board.

What’s the Best Vape?

The popularity of vapes has risen immensely in the past few years, with multiple different types of vapes popping up, people are starting to ask what the best vapes are? Well, there simply isn’t a “best vape” it is down to your personal preference and what you look for in a vaporizer. Let’s take a look at the best vapes on the market and teach you some of the basics about each type of vaporizer available to you!

Typically, there are two main types of ingredients that we can use with vapes:

  • Dry Ingredients: As the name suggests, these ingredients are dry. Vapes use heating chambers to vaporize ingredients such as dry herbs, wax concentrates, and oils. It is not unusual for people to use dry herb vapes for medicinal and recreational purposes where legal. I will discuss this more in-depth below.
  • Wet Ingredients: We use these ingredients in the more common types of vapes; e-liquid vapes. Manufacturers use different chemicals to create an e-liquid or vape juice (you can find our list of the best vape juices here). These juices then get soaked into the cotton around the coil. In turn, a person then vaporizes it and inhales. People change hardware setups (like box mods or electronic cigarettes) and different PG/VG balances to try and create larger plumes of vapor, something that isn’t a concern for dry herb vape users. I will talk about wet vaporizers a little more below.

Different types of vapes

  • Dry Herb Vaporizers: As mentioned previously, dry herb vaporizers use dry herbs plant extracts. Putting these ingredients into ceramic heating chambers offers a much purer and cleaner experience.

One of the biggest selling points and reasons people use dry herb vaporizers lies within the heating chambers. Dry herb vaporizers have eliminated the need for combustion, removing many of the harmless chemicals that combustion results in, there have been many studies suggesting a significantly lower number of carcinogens and harmless chemicals compared to other dry herb consumption methods.

Main types of dry herb vaporizers are: portable dry herb vaporizers, vape pens, and desktop vaporizers.

You can expect a dry herb vaporizer to cost you anywhere from $30 – $300, with the more expensive devices hosting impressive technology to make your experience even better.

  • E-liquid Vapes: These vapes come in many different shapes and sizes, typically; an e-liquid vape uses a coil or atomizer to soak an e-juice. The coil or atomizer will then become heated which results in the soaked up liquid to become vaporized, creating huge plumes of vapor.

The most popular form of e-liquid vape has to be the sub-ohm box mods. The name comes from the resistance of the coil being lower than 1-ohm allowing soaked up liquid to be vaporized much quicker, resulting in much larger quantities of vapor. Typically, sub-ohm vapes have a lot more maintenance and responsibility, with all the liquid refills and hardware changes being down to you. Sub-ohm vapes are mainly used in competitive vaping something that I’ll discuss a little more later.

Additionally, the most basic type of vapes uses e-liquids. Cigalikes or E-Cigs use an atomizer to vape liquids. However, The scale of them is much smaller compared to sub-ohm vaporizers. E-cigs typically use a cartridge or capsule that contains a one-time use atomizer. You will use a single cartridge which comes with liquid already filled; use the device for about 500 pulls then remove the cartridge and replace it.

E-liquid vaporizers are by far the most diverse market, and you can get devices anywhere from $9.99 to $500! If you are looking to get an e-liquid vape then you will want to work out if sub-ohm is the route for you.

E-liquid vaporizers are by far the most diverse market, and you can get devices anywhere from $9.99 to $500! If you are looking to get an e-liquid vape then you will want to work out if sub-ohm is the route for you.

  • Wax & Concentrate Vapes: Hosting much the same hardware and technology as dry herb vaporizers, wax and concentrate vapes heat waxes and concentrates to high temperatures resulting in them vaporizing into nothing. When it comes to wax and concentrate vapes, we commonly refer to them as dab pens.

This is one of the cleanest methods for vaping as close to 100% of wax will vaporize when using the device. Wax and concentrates are typically more condensed versions of dry herb that allows for a different experience when vaporized. When a dry herb is compressed enough, oil will begin to appear, and this oil is then collected and turned into wax.

Wax vapes typically hold a stealthier look with the chambers being hidden to allow maximum hold of temperature when using the device. Dab pens produce a lot less vapor than other forms of vaporizers, with the flavor and intensity being the main reason people use these pens. You can expect a dab pen to have an extremely clear and satisfying flavor with a thick but small amount of vapor production. Wax pens operate at the same temperatures as dry herb vapes.

You can expect a dab pen to cost around $20 – $200. There is a huge amount of selection on the market, with many pens offering a stealthier approach, with some offering a larger chamber to allow more wax.

Other Things to Consider in Your Perfect Vape

The size of the vaping industry has grown significantly, with many different collections of people coming together to share experiences and their compassion for the devices. In this section, we will take a look at the most common aspects of vaping and the different communities you can expect to find.

  • Competitive/Social Vaping: As mentioned previously, competitive and social vaping are by far the largest vaping communities. Many enthusiasts get together to share their abilities to create the biggest plumes of vapor, best tricks, and hardware setups.

Competitive vapors or more commonly known as “cloud chasers” use sub-ohm vapes which refer to a coil resistance lower than 1-ohm. This allows them to vaporize liquid in the coil at a much faster rate, resulting in the large plumes of vapor. Many expeditions and events are hosted all over the world that let cloud chasers meet up and show off their skills. These events also see a huge number of brands and manufacturers promoting their latest hardware.

These events will continue to grow and expand, and it is clear that they are a huge part of the vaping industry and they will be here to stay!

  • Medicinal VapingAnother aspect of vaping that is common in countries and states that have legalization of marijuana. Where legal, people are starting to use vaporizers for their dry herbs rather than the traditional combustion method.

Marijuana is used medicinally in many countries around the world, with plenty more hopping on the bandwagon. It is clear that vaping has a lot fewer health implications to worry about.

Finding the best vape for you

There are many steps to follow to find the best vape for you, they come in loads of different shapes and sizes with plenty of purposes. It is important you fully understand vaping and the health implications it implies. To put it bluntly, vaping can be dangerous. Follow the steps below to find out which vape is for you and the best way to start!

Identify your reason for vaping: First of all, you need to understand the reason you want to start vaping. Each type of vape has a different method and results. Here are the most common reasons for vaping and which vape to pick depending on your choice.

  • Nicotine Addiction: This is the most common reason people vape. E-liquids come in many different measurements of nicotine, ranging from 0mg to 12mg. If you are looking to vape as a tool for your nicotine addiction then looking into E-cigs or e-liquid vaporizers could be the best option for you. Additionally, using e-liquid vaporizers can help you control your nicotine consumption; eventually working your way down to nicotine free vaping.
  • Social Aspects: If you are looking to start vaping to take part in the competitive and social aspects, then sub-ohm vaping is the best choice for you. This is a branch of vaping in the e-liquid vape category. Sub-ohm vapes are adapted for larger vapor production. People who sub-ohm vape resort to juices with 0mg of nicotine so that their social vaping won’t lead to a nicotine addiction. However, this is not the only addictive element of vaping; It is still common for people to be addicted to the act of vaping and social aspects.
  • Medicinal/Recreational Marijuana: Although not as common as e-liquid vaping2222, dry herb vaping still has its fair share of users. In countries where marijuana is legal for medicinal and recreational purposes, people are starting to use dry herb vaporizers rather than the traditional combustion methods. If you use dry herbs, then this will be the best option for you, with the ability to vape without tobacco it certainly has a lot less harmful chemicals.

Starter Kits: Now you have a better understanding of which types of vapes are for what purposes, you will be in a position to start looking at the best vapes for you. It is recommended to go for a starter kit, to begin with, each of the vape types offers starter kits to help to get you started. In the articles listed above, you will find some of the best vape kits for the types of vaporizers, be sure to check them out!

Summary: After reading this article you probably have a much greater knowledge of the world of vaping and what it has to offer you. I said this before, and I will mention it again just to be clear; vaping is not 100% safe, it still has health implications that you should fully understand. Be sure to take the time to read some of the other articles listed above, and they will further help with understanding vaping fully.

Global Vapor Products (E-vapor and Heat-not-Burn Devices) Market Outlook and Forecast 2018-2023

Dublin, Jan. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Vapor Products Market (E-vapor and Heat-not-Burn Devices) – Global Outlook and Forecast 2018-2023” report has been added toResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.

The growing global health awareness and technological developments aiding safer smoking is driving the global vapor products (e-vapor and heat-not-burn (HnB) devices) market and is expected to cross $43 billion by 2023, growing at an impressive CAGR of over 15% over 2017-2023.

This market research report on the vapor products market offers an analysis about market size and forecast, market share, industry trends, growth drivers, and vendor analysis. The market study offers insights about segmentation in terms of products (cig-a-likes, closed tanks systems, VTMs, e-liquids, cartomizers, e-cigarette batteries, heat-not-burn (HnB) devices, tobacco sticks, and tobacco cartridges), and by distribution (retail and online), and by region (APAC, Europe, Latin America, MEA, and North America).

The e-cigarette market is growing at a tremendous rate, thereby gaining popularity worldwide. Several key vendors are introducing next generation vapor products such as Heat-not -Burn (HnB) devices, e-vapor, smoke vapes, smokeless tobacco products, cig-a-likes, and reduced risk products (RRP) cigarettes due to the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes. The recent developments in the vapor products market are the introduction of vaping devices or battery-powered inhalers. These vaping products reduce the risk of tobacco-related diseases by eliminating the inhalation of tar and other toxicants by active and passive smokers. E-cigarettes/e-vapor and HnB devices are designed to simulate tobacco smoking by providing inhaled doses of e-juices through vaporizing the flavored liquid, which, in turn, will boost sales in the e-cigarette market.

About one billion people in the world fall under the category of tobacco smokers, constituting approximately 13% of the total world population. According to the WHO, around 7 million people die due to tobacco smoking annually, out of which 890,000 die due to passive smoking.

Vapor Products Market – Dynamics

Launch of new vapor product lines to contribute to the growth of the e-cigarette market globally.

The perception of end-users toward e-vapor and HnB tobacco vapor products is changing worldwide. The vapor products market is witnessing an increase in desire among end-users globally to quit smoking because of the increasing number of deaths caused by smoking-related cancer, respiratory diseases, and heart diseases. These factors are primarily contributing to the decline of the global sales volume of traditional cigarettes over the last few years. This trend, coupled with continuous innovations in e-vapor and HnB devices, is prompting large tobacco companies such as Altria Group, Imperial Tobacco, Philip Morris International, and British American Tobacco to shift their focus toward the development of these products.

HnB Devices Market – Brief Analysis

The increasing demand and the potential growth of the vapor products market can be estimated through the case of Philip Morris. The company launched its first HnB device, iOQS, in Japan for pilot testing. Due to its high popularity, iQOS was launched nationwide in Japan in 2016 and became an immediate sensation in the HnB tobacco vapor market in Japan. As of November 2017, the penetration of iQOS in the Japanese tobacco market reached 11.9%. It also made its way into markets in 31 countries worldwide, with Japan being its largest market. According to Philip Morris, over 3.7 million consumers have already switched to iQOS globally.

Vapor Products Market Segmentation

This market research report includes a detailed segmentation of the market by products, by distribution channels, and by geography.

Vapor Products Market – By Products

Global vapor products (e-vapor and heat-not-burn (HnB) Devices) market expected to grow at a faster pace over the next few years.

E-vapors or e-cigarettes are electronic nicotine delivery systems that heat liquid nicotine or flavored juices to create inhalable vapor. These devices are categorized into cig-a-likes, closed tanks systems, and open tanks systems. The availability of these products will boost the sale in the vapor products market.

HnB tobacco vapor systems heat tobacco instead of burning them. They are commonly cited as the next-generation products in the tobacco market and are segmented into direct and indirect heating devices and infused/hybrid systems, based on the way the nicotine is delivered to end-users. This product category also has an aftermarket consisting of products such as tobacco sticks, tobacco capsules, and tobacco cartridges.

Vapor Products Market – By Distribution Channels

Online sales to increase significantly due to availability of more choices to consumers than retail stores.

E-vapor and HnB tobacco vapor products are mainly sold through retail distribution channels such as convenience stores, vape shops, tobacco shops, grocery shops, drug stores, and other retail outlets. These products are also available to end-users through online OEMs’ e-commerce portals and online direct-to-consumer stores such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and AliExpress. Retail sales constitute the bulk of the distribution model in the e-cigarette market.

Therefore, analysts forecast online sales in the vapor products market to increase significantly during the next five years on account of more choices available online as compared to retail stores.

Vapor Products Market – By Geography

APAC expected to be the largest potential retail market by 2023.

In 2017, North America was the largest e-vapor and HnB tobacco vapor product market globally. The popularity of vapor products in the US and Canada is increasing rapidly due to the easy availability of vapor products in vape shops and over the Internet. However, the FDA regulations pose a significant threat to the vaping industry in North America.

E-vapor and HnB devices are gaining popularity in many Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Malaysia. Driven by rapid urbanization, increasing per capita disposable income, availability of low-cost vapor products, advancements in vendor products technology, and increase in the number of smokers in the region. APAC is expected to be the largest potential retail market during the forecast period.

Europe, led by the UK, in spite of losing share to the rapidly growing market in North America during the forecast period, is expected to account for more than 30% of the market share by 2023.

The sales of e-vapor products are restricted in several countries in MEA and Latin America such as Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Argentina.

Market Dynamics

Market Growth Enablers

  • Increase in Awareness and Change in Consumer Perception
  • Growth of Distribution Networks
  • Increased Marketing and Promotion Efforts
  • YOY Impact of Market Growth Enablers
  • YOY Impact of Market Growth Enablers on Geographies

Market Growth Restraint

  • Stringent Government Regulations
  • Increased Concern over Vaping Effects on Health
  • Increased Market Competition

The major vendors in the global market are as following

  • Altria Group
  • British American Tobacco
  • Imperial Brands
  • Japan Tobacco International
  • JUUL Labs
  • Philip Morris International

Report Scope

Historical Year 2015-2016
Base Year 2017
Forecast Year 2018-2023

The report considers 2017 as the base year. All calculations involving quantitative data are based on the year 2017. The values represented in the report are actual values for 2017, whereas, the values are estimated for the 2018-2023 period.

Market Segmentation by Distribution Channel


  • Convenience Stores
  • Vape Shops
  • Tobacco Shops
  • Grocery Shops
  • Drug Shops
  • Others


Market Segmentation by Product Category


  • Cig-a-likes
  • Disposables
  • Rechargeable
  • Closed Tanks Systems
  • VTMs
  • E-Liquids
  • Pre-filled cartridges
  • Refill bottles
  • E-vapor aftermarket
  • Cartomizers
  • E-cigarette batteries

Heat-not-Burn (HnB) Tobacco Vapor Products

  • HnB Devices
  • HnB Tobacco Vapor Product Aftermarket

Key Topics Covered:

1 Research Methodology

2 Research objectives

3 Research process

4 Report Coverage

5 Report Assumptions & Caveats

6 Market at a Glance

7 Introduction

8 Market Dynamics

9 Value Chain Analysis

10 Global E-Vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

11 Market By Product Segmentation

12 Global E-Vapor Market

13 Heat-bot-burn (HnB) Tobacco Vapor Market

14 Market by Distribution Channel

15 Geographical Segmentation

16 North America: E-Vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

17 APAC: E-vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

18 Europe: E-vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

19 MEA: E-vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

20 Latin America: E-vapor and HnB Tobacco Vapor Market

21 Competitive Landscape

Companies Mentioned 

  • JUUL Labs
  • PAX labs
  • XEO International
  • VPR Brands
  • Vapor Hub
  • Vape Holdings
  • Totally Wicked E-Liquid USA
  • RR Chemicals
  • MCIG
  • KangerTech
  • Joyetech Co
  • Johnson Creek ,International Vapor Group
  • Gilla
  • Philip Morris International
  • Altria Group
  • British American Tobacco (BAT)
  • Japan Tobacco
  • NJOY
  • Imperial Brands
  • Ballantyne Brands
  • CB Distributors ,Gamucci
  • Nicotek
  • ECIG
  • VMR Products
  • White Cloud

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/trtl2w/global_vapor?w=12

Reviews to Boundless CFX Vaporizer

An exceptionally accommodating favorable position to the CFX is the consideration of two types of charging. As said sometime recently, Boundless furnish us with both the DC charger and a USB elective. Contingent upon your conditions, you can choose which you lean toward anyway it is known to be speedier to charge utilizing the divider connector. The battery life shouldn’t be influenced by exchanging between methods for charge and keeping in mind that we as a whole despise sitting tight for things to charge it is an unavoidable piece of owning a compact vape. The battery itself is very great and can last a lot of sessions thinking about its cost. A decent component gave by the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is the manner by which it times the length of your sessions and showcases them on-screen. A decent method for following along.


The frill which accompanies a vaporizer can in some cases be a failure. Not all producers give us the devices we require and numerous exclusive give an essential choice. With the Boundless CFX Vaporizer, this isn’t the situation, as an extensive variety of utensils from a cleaning brush to two various types of charger the crate opening can be a great deal of fun. Included are 1 x Boundless CFX Vaporizer, 1 x DC Charger,1 x User Manual, 1 x USB Cable, 1 x Wax/Concentrate Pod,1 x Cleaning Brush,1 x Packing Tool. An extremely clean choice. The Boundless CFX has numerous replaceable things, for example, the screen guaranteeing you that mischances won’t abandon you with a costly paperweight. The consideration of a focus case is an extremely supportive expansion as not all dry herb vaporizers give you the choice to utilize your most loved oils, waxes or thinks.

Utilizing an earthenware chamber to guarantee the most notwithstanding warming and wind stream all through the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is rapidly picking up prevalence. The utilization of artistic for the chamber is ending up more normally found in vaporizers today. The advantages to utilizing artistic incorporate the taste it can create alongside speedier warmth up times. The reasons why artistic does not spoil the kind of your vapor is on account of it responds preferred to the warmth over the conventional titanium or steel based chambers. The fired chamber goes about as a broiler and warms your materials from the back to front. The chamber in the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is unmatchable for the measure. With a limit with regards to up to 1g of finely ground herbs, unlimited have entered an obscure area uncovering a load of this size.

Flavor is a colossal piece of the vaping scene. All vaporizers are extraordinary, and all make various types and characteristics of vapor. A few of us incline toward thick, thick mists while a few of us favor the lighter more flavorsome style of vapor. The Boundless CFX has it both. Depicted as hitting prefer a forceful, the flavor it makes is noteworthy. It’s by and large flavor or vapor with most vaporizers, be that as it may, the planning group at Boundless tech have made an incredible case of how both can be executed in their Boundless CFX Vaporizer. The utilization of an earthenware chamber has a necessary influence on the nature of the flavor the Boundless CFX vape can make. The plastic mouthpiece doesn’t influence the flavor as you would expect and this combined with low draw protection and smooth wind current gives us some effective, wonderful vapor.

The show screen on the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is one of, if not the greatest I’ve seen. Utilizing a 1.7 inch TFT screen, the CFX obviously shows every one of the elements of the vaporizer in the finest quality shading available. The temperature is appeared on what seems to be like a speedometer while the set temperature is shown carefully. The lucidity and plan of the screen is amazingly noteworthy when you consider the value run it falls into. The screen isn’t the main great component however with the usefulness of the unit being fortunately direct and simple to utilize it’s totally obvious how the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is picking up fame as is it.

Overall, Boundless innovation keeps on overwhelming us with their Affordable scope of best class convenient vaporizers. The devotion to creating units which while compact, still deliver a capable and flavorsome vape is great most definitely and the Boundless CFX Vaporizer is an incredible case of this.